The Establishment of the Center for Coordination and Dissemination of Scientific Information in Albania

The Academy of Sciences of Albania ( as an important institution for the organization and development of scientific activity in our country, in cooperation with the Institute of Information Science (IZUM) in Slovenia (, assessing the growth of interest in research information at the national and international level in aid of scientific research, enabled the establishment of the Center for the Coordination and Dissemination of Scientific Information at the Academy of Sciences of Albania (QKPISH).

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Expressing UNIMARC relator codes in RDA

Facilitating access to scientific bibliographic collections on the web of data is a major challenge for the sovereignty and scientific collaboration of European countries. The LRM-Factory project aims to create the first metadata factory to facilitate the transition to the semantic web for bibliographic agencies through the mass migration of collections to vocabularies such as RDA. The LRM-Factory project was presented by members of the Medical library Documentation Centrale des Hospices Civils de Lyon at the 6th UNIMARC Users Meeting. Following the presentation From UNIMARC to RDA: LRM-Factory, An Online Mass-migration Tool, we were asked about the difficulties encountered. In this contribution, we would like to answer this question by describing the mapping work carried out as part of the project: the alignment work between UNIMARC relator codes and RDA. After a brief overview of the project and the partners involved, the method used to construct this specific mapping and the tools used are described, and then the three possible levels of alignment that can be observed are dealt with in detail. A special case is briefly mentioned before the conclusion.

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Obveščanje knjižnic o podvojenih zapisih in zapisih s fiktivno kodo

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V želji po zagotavljanju čim višje kakovosti bibliografskih baz smo v oddelku Bibliografska kontrola januarja 2020 začeli knjižnice v sistemu COBISS.SI vsak mesec obveščati o obstoju podvojenih zapisov in zapisov s fiktivno kodo v njihovih lokalnih bibliografskih bazah. Spomladi leta 2021 smo to storitev razširili tudi na knjižnice v Srbiji, Severni Makedoniji, Bosni in Hercegovini, Črni gori, Republiki Srbski in Bolgariji, pri čemer makedonske knjižnice obveščamo vsak mesec, preostale pa dvakrat letno.

Preberi več “Obveščanje knjižnic o podvojenih zapisih in zapisih s fiktivno kodo”

Sobe pobega – odklenjena priložnost za knjižnice

Je res potrebno, da poleg vseh aktivnosti v naše knjižnice vključimo tudi sobe pobega? Kaj res ni dovolj drugega dela? Kako naj vemo, da to ni muha enodnevnica? Jih sploh lahko pripravimo sami? Kaj bodo imeli od take aktivnosti naši uporabniki in kakšne koristi prinaša knjižnici? Ta prispevek je namenjen vsem, ki se spogledujete z idejo, da bi v knjižnici pripravili in izvedli sobo pobega ter s tem odklenili nove priložnosti ne le za svoje uporabnike, ampak tudi za svoje zaposlene.

Slika 1: Pripomočki za fizično sobo pobega o profesorju Bukerju (foto: Tjaša Jug)
Slika 1: Pripomočki za fizično sobo pobega o profesorju Bukerju (foto: Tjaša Jug)

Preberi več “Sobe pobega – odklenjena priložnost za knjižnice”