Facilitating access to scientific bibliographic collections on the web of data is a major challenge for the sovereignty and scientific collaboration of European countries. The LRM-Factory project aims to create the first metadata factory to facilitate the transition to the semantic web for bibliographic agencies through the mass migration of collections to vocabularies such as RDA. The LRM-Factory project was presented by members of the Medical library Documentation Centrale des Hospices Civils de Lyon at the 6th UNIMARC Users Meeting. Following the presentation From UNIMARC to RDA: LRM-Factory, An Online Mass-migration Tool, we were asked about the difficulties encountered. In this contribution, we would like to answer this question by describing the mapping work carried out as part of the project: the alignment work between UNIMARC relator codes and RDA. After a brief overview of the project and the partners involved, the method used to construct this specific mapping and the tools used are described, and then the three possible levels of alignment that can be observed are dealt with in detail. A special case is briefly mentioned before the conclusion.
Projekt »Knjižnice čustev« v Mestni knjižnici Kranj
Mestna knjižnica Kranj že dobro leto in pol sodeluje pri nadvse zanimivem projektu LOE: Libraries of Emotions oz. Knjižnice čustev. Projekt vodi francoska organizacija Love for Livres, v njem pa sodelujemo štiri evropske splošne knjižnice: Biblioteka Miejska in Lodz (Poljska), Bibliothèque de l’Espace Carême (Belgija), Kauno miesto savivaldybes Vinco Kudirkos viesoji biblioteka (Litva) in Mestna knjižnica Kranj (Slovenija) ter nevladna organizacija Public Libraries 2030, zagovornica splošnih knjižnic, s sedežem v Bruslju.
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Rastem z e-viri: uspešen projekt Goriške knjižnice

E-viri so del našega vsakdanjega življenja, tisti v knjižnicah pa sestavni del knjižnične zbirke. Splošne knjižnice veliko e-virov (predvsem tujih) naročamo, smo pa tudi same nosilke in soustvarjalke nekaterih odličnih e-virov in portalov. Pričujoči prispevek osvetljuje projekt Rastem z e-viri, ki je nastal v Goriški knjižnici in je namenjen spodbujanju uporabe kakovostnih e-virov, ki jih ponuja Goriška knjižnica. Polonca Kavčič in Saša Vidmar sva projekt, ki temelji na promociji e-virov (uporaba in dostop), zastavili leta 2012, leta 2014 pa sva ga poimenovali Rastem z e-viri.
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Creative culture consumption
To be a librarian, one should have an all-round education, refined tact, and intuition. A librarian acts as a metonymy of an adviser that points the users in the right direction, but at the same time leaves them complete freedom of choice. Under the premise that every incidental passer-by is a potential library user, it is important to try and carry out a needs analysis that would encompass all reading individuals in the area covered by your library. From there, finding the most efficient types of services as well as following current trends on a global level is an additional challenge for working within the local community. Preberi več “Creative culture consumption”